Sunday, 24 June 2012

Everybody Talks About The Weather

Important Words:

     Barometer - An instrument used to measure the pressure of the atmosphere.
     Thermometer - An instrument used to measure temperature.
     Meteorology - Science dealing with the study of atmosphere and weather.
     Humidity -  Amount of water vapor in the air.
     Radiosonde - A radio device carried aloft by balloon, which relays atmosphere pressure, temperature,    and humidity.

     The weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. A dry spell or a freeze may lessen the yield or fruit, and perhaps destroy some crops entirely, thereby causing shortage of food in some areas; and a short supply means either paying higher prices or doing without. A change of weather can bring about a change in plans, ranging from a battle to a picnic or parade.

      The first thing may people do is in the morning is to look out the window " to see what the weather is." If they have an outside thermometer, they look at that to see what the temperature may be. Or they may consult a barometer. Or they may turn on the radio to get weather forecast. Then based on this information, they will decide what kind of clothes to wear.

     Knowing what the weather will be is important to the farmer, the fisherman, the captain of ship, the pilot of airplane, and people in other occupations. Specially trained people provide this information. These weather people are called meteorologists.  They study the winds, clouds,storms, and other natural happening in the atmosphere.  From what they find out, they try to predict the weather for airlines, electric companies, transportation companies, radio and TV stations, and the Weather Bureau. They assemble weather reports from all over the world, study radar pictures and data received form weather satellite, and carefully determine what kind of weather is moving toward us.

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